Saturday, December 10, 2011

Final Annotated Bibliography Assignment

Annotated Bibliography
Armour, Stephanie. “Buying your first home in 5 steps.”
USA Today (04/26/2010)

This article in the USA Today will help in the paper buy using the statements that the people are saying about home buying for first time homebuyers. There is a great quote from one of them saying, “I tell people there are no stupid questions. Ask anything you don’t understand”. Also the steps they point out for people to take when they are interested in buying a home. This source breaks it down into simple steps and some of the other sources go into more depth on the subject. The suggestions throughout the article will help in writing of this paper.

Bray, Ilona, Schroeder, Alayna & Stewart, Marcia “Nolo’s Essential Guide to Buying Your First Home.”

This book has all the information I was looking for in this research paper. It has the perfect flow to it discussing the different options for first time homebuyers. Talking over reasons it is good to own a home, along with the steps of buying a home. There are several parts of this book that I will use in the research paper. All the different resources available for people in both websites and forms that the book provides. The book also does good job talking over all the different loan options available and points out the pros and cons of each type of loans available. Something else that I was thinking of using is when talking over the home inspectors portion of my paper all the hints that the book provided for finding a good inspector. Along with the details on the forms that this book provided. Another resource this book will provide is steps of building your team of professionals when buying a home.

Anderson, Thomas M. “Home Buying for Begginers.”
Kiplinger’s Personal Finance May 2010 Vol. 64 issues 5, p78-79

The article started off useless for my paper. There is a part in the first half for a resource of a website that an agent used to narrow down search for homes. The second part of the article Clinch the Deal was of more help with both steps before you make an offer, and then the contingencies that you should have when you buy a home. I plan to use the saying you can negotiate almost anything in my paper with some areas the author points out could be negotiated.

Sykes, Tanisha A, Curry, Sheree R. “Buying Your First Home?”
Black Enterprise August 2007 Vol. 38 issue 1, p76-82

What a great article helping to discuss the process of buying a home. The pointers that they give are top notch. Thinking of using several parts of this article in my paper. The two reasons that home ownership is important. The pointers of making disputes on your credit report, and how the agencies have only 30 days to respond or must be removed from your credit report. Along with if you are paying off any bills in collection attempt to settle at 50% of the total. Throughout this article like the other book have great resources on websites that you can use during the buying process.

Coleman, Marlene M M.D., Huss, William Judge”Homeowners Association and You”

This book is helpful in finding out about community living and what home associations are exactly. Besides the first couple of chapters of this book talking over the community living part and then structure of the association itself. The only other things I found useful was the list of questions one should ask for the different aspects of buying into a homeowners association.

Bray Ilona, Schroeder Alayna “The Essential Guide for First-Time Homeowners

This book talks more about what to do after you have bought your first home. The reason I like it for my research is the sections about keeping up with your mortgage's, building equity in your home, and all the different tax breaks available to home owners.

Crook David “The Wall Street Journal Complete Home Owner's Guidebook”

This book was a really good resource in talking about the housing market during the recession of 2008. The author does a great job at first making people think about home buying if it is for them. The different highlight areas of this book will be helpful in my paper. Steps on how to buy a home chapter along with questions to ask your lender. He does a good job letting people know what you need to know about your Realtor. Will need to read further into this book lots here and will need more time to take the full book in to benefit me when time for me to buy.

Babcock Jason  “After the crash, home buyers looking for bargains”

This article had just two really strong quotes thinking of using in the research paper. It showed how even in tough economy many first time home buyers are getting homes. There is a quote that states how when the market was hot before the crash it was tough for first time home buyers that is not the case now. Along with the statement about why people should look now.

Chao Mary “Taking advantage of the buyers’ market”

The article starts off with a strong statement that I really like talking about how rare of a market we have and favors buyers with interest rates and price. The first step they suggest is meeting with a mortgage professional to determine how much you can afford. The end of the article has a good quote about to stand out as a buyer you should submit a clean offer and to be flexible in your offer.

Miller John E “Homebuying Tips Everybody Should Know”

Really good article with the steps they point out. At the start of the article the comment about the data on home pricing and rental pricing over the last three years really stands out in this article to be used in my research paper. The statement the author makes about you can still get a low down payment with FHA loans, but going at 20% or more avoids the insurance required otherwise. Definitely plan on using the statement on Don't hesitate to throw a low ball on your bid and work from there if you can.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Interview questions and answers

Interview Questions and Answers Provided

  1. What experience do you have in this subject of home buying?

Answer: Going on 26 years of being in industry. Started as underwriter in 1985 the person that reviews all documentations. Has accounting background. Then moved into one that processed and closed on the loans. Was bank Manager for a couple years before moving into current role as loan originator.
  1. What would you tell people nervous about buying their first home?

Answer: First to get people comfortable with the process and help to begin understanding the steps they will take. Trying to calm the person down with explanation of what is next and why.
  1. What is the current market like in this area for people interested in buying a home?

Answer: Awesome prices being so low in the past if someone was looking for a home and approved for less then 150,000 would tell person do not bother looking as prices was higher then that. Currently prices are lowest that she has seen. Interest rates being so low another reason to buy now.
  1. What steps do you suggest for people interested in buying a home but have no savings currently?

Answer: Talk with a loan officer because based on type of loan approved for may not need a down payment.
  1. What are the different types of home loans available?

Answer: Went into length here on the different types of home loans. Discussed all the government backed loans the RD, VA, FHA, and Conventional home loans. Talked over the requirements to each.
  1. Which loans do you suggest for first time home buyers, and then which ones for people already owning a home?

Answer: Depends really on each persons situations and who they are. With so many different programs there is one to fit everyone. For current home owners looking to either refinance or move into bigger homes will look at their equity position what the value they currently have in their home. The basic requirements is no more loaned for a second mortgage above 80% of the home value.
  1. What information is required for applying for a home loan?

Answer: All of the current information of the home buyer. Pay stubs, documentation of other income, mainly history around finances.

  1. What complications can come up when buying a home?

Answer: First she said they do their best to elevate complications by validating all the information from the start. Leave no stone unturned in the loan process from the start. That helps prevent problems in closing. Property issues can come in many forms one example is how the county does not require inspections when building a home.
  1. If credit is an issue what steps should one take to become approved for a loan?

Answer: Pull credit report at free credit sites then if disputes get them handled. Get rid of any debt in collections. If no credit currently then open up lines of credits. Said there is 3 types of credit that impact credit scores the most that is revolving credit, installments, and mortgage loans. At worst case if person has really high debt and best solution is then bankruptcy to help build up credit again.
  1. With the current economy is it a good time to purchase or should one wait until prices hit bottom?

Answer: Yes it is still good time to purchase because of current interest rates and current home prices. There is still a chance that prices will go down if the Shadow Inventory out there do hit market all at one time and in mass numbers. Having more inventory available will draw prices down even more.
  1. How much do you suggest for a down payment on a home for first time home buyers?

Answer: Zero if require no down payment with loan type person is approved for. If available to the 20% down helps prevent home owners from having to pay the insurance required otherwise.
  1. Any suggestions on resources to use in my research paper?

Answer: She did not provide documentation to look up. Said there really is not anything that she uses. Said to research on the different home loans themselves and the Financial Reform Act of April 2011.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Annotated Bibliography first portion

Annotated Bibliography
Armour, Stephanie. “Buying your first home in 5 steps.”
USA Today (04/26/2010)

This article in the USA Today will help in the paper buy using the statements that the people are saying about home buying for first time homebuyers. There is a great quote from one of them saying, “I tell people there are no stupid questions. Ask anything you don’t understand”. Also the steps they point out for people to take when they are interested in buying a home. This source breaks it down into simple steps and some of the other sources go into more depth on the subject. The suggestions throughout the article will help in writing of this paper.

Bray, Ilona, Schroeder, Alayna & Stewart, Marcia “Nolo’s Essential Guide to Buying Your First Home.”

This book has all the information I was looking for in this research paper. It has the perfect flow to it discussing the different options for first time homebuyers. Talking over reasons it is good to own a home, along with the steps of buying a home. There are several parts of this book that I will use in the research paper. All the different resources available for people in both websites and forms that the book provides. The book also does good job talking over all the different loan options available and points out the pros and cons of each type of loans available. Something else that I was thinking of using is when talking over the home inspectors portion of my paper all the hints that the book provided for finding a good inspector. Along with the details on the forms that this book provided. Another resource this book will provide is steps of building your team of professionals when buying a home.

Anderson, Thomas M. “Home Buying for Begginers.”
Kiplinger’s Personal Finance May 2010 Vol. 64 issues 5, p78-79

The article started off useless for my paper. There is a part in the first half for a resource of a website that an agent used to narrow down search for homes. The second part of the article Clinch the Deal was of more help with both steps before you make an offer, and then the contingencies that you should have when you buy a home. I plan to use the saying you can negotiate almost anything in my paper with some areas the author points out could be negotiated.

Sykes, Tanisha A, Curry, Sheree R. “Buying Your First Home?”
Black Enterprise August 2007 Vol. 38 issue 1, p76-82

What a great article helping to discuss the process of buying a home. The pointers that they give are top notch. Thinking of using several parts of this article in my paper. The two reasons that home ownership is important. The pointers of making disputes on your credit report, and how the agencies have only 30 days to respond or must be removed from your credit report. Along with if you are paying off any bills in collection attempt to settle at 50% of the total. Throughout this article like the other book have great resources on websites that you can use during the buying process.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Letter Of Intent For Research Paper

The topic that I have chosen for my research paper is “All the things to consider when buying a home for the first time.” What I have decided to narrow in on is the process of home buying, and the steps you take when buying your first home.The outline of the paper would start with research on things one should do before starting the process of buying a home. Then move into the steps of buying a home. The plan is to narrow down the process into first areas of the process and then details about each area. An example of this would be for the steps before the process of buying a home, break it down into the planning stages. Then go into details on suggested steps one should take like learning about the different options of loans and interest rates.

I would like to buy a home sometime in the near future. What I would like to learn from this research paper is the steps of home buying. My current background on the subject is really nothing. I have only been renting, and have never had the opportunity or options to purchase a home. Learning about home buying is going to challenge me to do some more in depth research on the process before attempting to buy a home. Learning from others and professionals on this subject will provide me the knowledge needed to buy a home. Also how to do it wisely and not through impulse that could cause issues in the long run.

Some of the questions for this subject that I have are what is the proper things to do before you consider buying a home. Once you are prepared to purchase a home what things to look out for in finding good professionals to assist you like Realtors and a home inspector.What are the different types of loans to consider and the things to watch out for in the loan process. What are the steps of closing on a home. Getting answers to the questions I have really has me interested in this paper. I look forward to learning about home buying so when it is my time to buy I am ready and have the knowledge needed to do it the right things.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Logical Fallacies Assignment

In the video above from the John Stewart Show the topic was about the economy and debt. He does a good job in pointing out the troubles that have come in the past from this former Governor of New Jersey. The fallacy that he used during this broadcast was allot of the straw man one. He used his prior statements and cut him down over and over again.

In this video John Stewart is having an interview with Bill Clinton. It was interesting the different types of fallacies that even the former President was using. At one point they made Hasty Generalizations about corporations. Both him and John stated how they are not like people and have no rights also John took it a step further calling them like sociopaths. Then later in the interview the former President is talking about tax cuts for corporations to bring jobs back. He played the card of Appeal To Pity with making the statement about kids getting health care needs that are in poverty from his former policies that he had put in place. Trying to show the good that would come from a policy like what he had previously put into place.

Research topics and brainstorming

1. Advanced Hiking:

•   Equipment needed for more difficult hiking.
•   Preparation for hikes examples physical training, research of trails, packing items needed for hike, planning of trips, etc.
•   The different levels of trails what makes it more difficult?
•   Reading of topographical maps and a compass.
•   Learn survival skills in case something goes wrong.

2. Elk Hunting:

•   Find out details about Elk. Like what they eat, where they live in a certain area, signs they leave behind, prospect areas to hunt.
•   Tracking skills.
•   The anatomy differences of a male and female to identify them quickly when in the field.
•   Regulations of hunting Elk in the area you plan to hunt.
•   The equipment needed like type of gun, supplies needed for a elk hunt.
•  How to field dress an Elk.

3. Fly Fishing:

•   About the skills needed for fly-fishing like casting, tying of flies and other equipment.
•   Different types of equipment in fly rods, reels, line weight, etc.
•   Regulations on fly fishing in the area you plan to go.
•   The type of fish you plan to fish for what their habits are like, and when they are more active.
•   How to harvest the fish you catch.

4. Accounting:

•   What college courses are needed?
•   What jobs do accountants do.
•   What is the average pay for an accountant?
•   Skills needed to be an accountant.
•   What types of jobs could one get being an accountant.

5. Home Buying:

•   What steps are needed when buying a home
•   Best practices of people that have bought a home
•   What things to look out for when searching for a home and a good realtor
•   What home inspections are about.
•   Steps to closing on a home.

6. Pottery:

7. Cruise Trips:

8. Home Remodeling:

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Editorial Final Draft

         The end to NASA space shuttle program is a positive move made by NASA and our nation. In the article posted by The Dallas Morning News Editorial: NASA must inspire post-shuttle generations the author is upset over the shuttle program coming to a stop. My take on this is one that it is not all bad with the program ending. What people do not see is how in the long run it was the right thing to do. There is several points to be made about the positive side of the NASA shuttle program coming to an end, I will point them out to you. It will help to really point out the positive behind the program ending. Like many things it is time for a new era in our space programs within NASA.

          While reading the article posted in The Dallas Morning News it ends with the quote from President John F. Kennedy spoken at Rice University in the summer of 1962. The quote stands true even today and was what started the exploration into space for the United States. President Kennedy says “The exploration of space will go ahead, whether we join in it or not, and it is one of the great adventures of all time, and no nation which expects to be the leader of the nations can expect to stay behind.” That is so true now that the space exploration is starting to heat up there is plans from China to put something like a hotel called “Heavenly Palace” in outer space. They have a plan and are working on it now with great success so far. The article that covers this is posted in the Houston chronicle on October 7, 2011 article named  Editorial: Here’s a sputnick moment for the U.S..This points out how we need to stay the leader in space exploration and not give up that spot to any other nation.

In the article  Editorial: Here’s a sputnick moment for the U.S.  the author takes the stance of being worried about China showing more power in their space program then the United States. With us ending the shuttle program we are able to shift our focus on newer vehicles for space travel that will show the power of the U.S. space programs. The quote in the article will point out his fear of the shift in power to China. The author states “China’s recent success is a reminder to Americans that this nation shouldn’t be resigned to putting its space program in museums while other nations pursue the future.” What the author is getting at is he feels that we are falling behind the other nations in space travel. This helps support the thought that ending the shuttle program is a positive for us. Think of how more powerful would it be for NASA and this nation to be the first to the moon and mars? Having the private sector take care of the low orbit flights will give NASA more time and resources to put it into their other plans.

            In the article Editorial: NASA must inspire post-shuttle generations the author discusses about how the move to end the shuttle program will cause people to be less inspired. Here is what the author says “NASA will fail to inspire tomorrow’s engineers, scientists and test pilots.”. The move from NASA shuttle program is only going to heat up the private sector that are full of engineers, scientists and test pilots to be the first to reach the needs of our nation in space. The private sector being driven with incentives are going to inspire the engineers, scientists and test pilots of tomorrow when they see all the changes that will be coming in the near future. Already there are rockets from private sector that are coming out looking very cool that should strike some innovation for the future thinkers to be inspired from.

With the private sector focused on current space needs, NASA can put their resources and energy into other areas. The move to end the shuttle program and putting the funding into having private sector compete. To handle the space travels in and around the earth, will allow for our nation to focus on bigger projects like getting someone to Mars!! President George W. Bush called for the program to end in order to set attention squarely on deep-space travel. If and when that takes place we will have set another milestone in space travels and the exploration of space!!

There is many positives around the space shuttle program coming to an end. Another one is the nature of humans would kick in and with fair competition in the space travel market we would be inspired to push further and faster then the next person or company. What steps we have and are taking is going to pay off in the end. Let the companies show you what they have done in the near future when they deliver what they have been asked to do and NASA completes their missions of deep space travels. The world will be amazed.
